My Favorite Eczema Products

Hi there! I’m Jessie, a blogger who has searched high and low for products that would help my eczema. Through research and trial-and-error, I finally found some non-steroidal eczema products that worked for me. I hope that my favorite eczema products will bring you some relief as well.

before and after eczema on leg with text overlay: how I finally got my eczema under control
These before and after images are the same leg, and are not retouched at all. I’m a redhead who actually is that pale!

#1: Mary Ruth’s Organic Skincare Probiotic Spray

My absolute top pick is called Mary Ruth’s Organic Skincare Probiotic Spray. This is a water-based, vegan liquid in a spray bottle. You apply it directly to your skin, and it works wonders for my eczema.

At first, I was applying it about 5 times a day. As time went on and my skin healed, I found that I needed to use less of it to achieve the same results. Now I apply it once a day, after I shower.

canyon wall and blue sky with text overlay: topical probiotics as an eczema treatment

So why would topical probiotics work to calm eczema?

Through my research, I found out that eczema sufferers usually have high concentrations of staphylococcus aureus bacteria on their skin (source). These bacteria release a substance that causes your skin barrier to break down (source), which causes rashes, blisters, and weeping skin. This, in turn, makes your skin a moister and more pleasant place for the staph bacteria to live.

You can’t keep your skin sterile and free from bacteria. But you CAN encourage a culture of friendly, beneficial bacteria to grow. This can crowd out the harmful staphylococcus aureus bacteria that may be causing your skin problems (source).

The bacterial explanation is not definitively proven to be the cause of eczema. But it does shed some light on why bleach baths seem to help some eczema sufferers. The bleach bath kills off the staph aureus bacteria, therefore bringing some temporary relief. However, the bleach also kills the beneficial bacteria that you need on your skin. Without this beneficial bacteria on your skin, there is nothing to fight off the staph bacteria once your bleach bath is over. And so the cycle begins again… The staph bacteria begins to grow and re-colonize your skin, and your rashes and blisters are back in no time.

redhaired lady in sunflower field with text overlay: the organic eczema spray that changed everything for me

I don’t know if this spray will give you the same results that it gave me, but it has made a huge difference in my quality of life as an eczema sufferer. I hope you give it a chance and see if it can help you, too.

#2: Amélie Monnier DermaCalm Lotion

The probiotic spray by itself is not particularly moisturizing. So if you need to add moisture to your skin during dry weather, I recommend Amélie Monnier DermaCalm lotion. This lotion works so well with the probiotic spray because it has no preservatives in it. Preservatives in lotion are a problem when you are using probiotics because preservatives will kill the good bacteria you just applied. (That’s their purpose: to keep bacteria from growing in the lotion, and therefore preserve it.) Using a lotion that’s designed to work with beneficial bacteria instead of against it is a must!

My only gripe about this lotion is that the tube is only 5 ozs, so I go through it more quickly than I’d like. I have a lot of surface area to cover, since all 4 of my limbs are prone to eczema. But it works so well for me that I can’t complain too much.

#3: Lume Acidified Solid Stick Deodorant

My top choice is Lume solid stick deodorant. Lume is by far the best aluminum-free deodorant I’ve ever used. It comes in several different natural scents, and you can choose creams or solid sticks. It’s acidified with mandelic acid, so it avoids the problems that can be caused by baking soda or other alkaline-Ph ingredients. If you are really looking for an anti-perspirant or a deodorant that contains aluminum, you can see my other eczema-friendly favorite in this post: What’s the best deodorant for eczema sufferers?


I am not affiliated in any way with Mary Ruth’s, Amélie Monnier, or Lume. This article does contain Amazon affiliate links. That means I receive a small commission on purchases made through these links, at no extra cost to you.

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